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[Discussion] Revolutionizing App Development: Microsoft's Power Platform Copilot and OpenAI's GPT-4

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OpenAI's launch of GPT-4 had the world talking, especially Microsoft, one of the largest investors in ChatGPT's parent company. It's no secret that Microsoft incorporates any new developments from OpenAI into their products like Bing search, Edge browser, Office 365, and more. While we can't predict when AI will replace office workers, we can say for sure that it can be a helpful assistant.

Recently, on March 16th, Microsoft unveiled Power Platform Copilot, a new feature that lets developers build apps with the help of AI. This feature is a part of Microsoft Power Platform and provides AI-powered assistance based on GPT for Power Apps, Power Virtual Agents, and Power Automate. Developers can talk to GPT and describe the app they want to create, and Copilot can build it in seconds while suggesting ways to improve it.

Using Power Platform Copilot, developers can describe the app they want to create using simple natural language. Power Apps will then build the app, creating code for the UI, data table, and business logic. For example, if a user says, "create a worker onboarding app, get new worker data and share training content and learning modules," Copilot can create the app instantly.

Users can customize the app by interacting with Copilot, such as adding new columns to the data table or filling the data table with sample data. Copilot can also suggest improvements if there are any problems during the creation of the app.

Power Automate announced a while ago that it could create automated processes using natural language, but it only worked for simple processes. With Power Automate Copilot, complex processes can be created using natural language, and Copilot can optimize and update the process through dialogue.

Moreover, users can use the GPT model to generate text content on Power Automate Desktop. The new Azure OpenAI service in AI Builder can be used in Power Automate Desktop as well.

Power Virtual Agents now has GPT support, allowing users to connect their Power Virtual Agents to websites, knowledge bases, and other data sources. This allows GPT to generate answers and firms to connect bots to knowledge bases and Q&A knowledge bases of various products to provide Q&A support to customers.

With Power Virtual Agents Copilot, users can describe the robot's process using natural language, and it will create the robot accordingly. Users can also integrate Power Virtual Agents into Power Apps, making it even more convenient.

In conclusion, Microsoft's Power Platform Copilot is an excellent tool for developers to build apps quickly and efficiently. With GPT support, developers can use natural language to describe the app they want to create, and Copilot will create it in seconds. The future of app development looks exciting, and we can't wait to see what other developments Microsoft and OpenAI have in store for us.

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