In a remarkable demonstration of innovation in animation, Bandai stole the show at the 2023 Anime Expo with the announcement of an exciting new venture - Mobile Suit Gundam: Requiem for Vengeance. The upcoming mini-series, consisting of six episodes with a running time of 30 minutes each, introduces a new dimension to the classic anime franchise, being completely crafted in Epic Games’ groundbreaking Unreal Engine 5.
Riding High on Gundam Success
The announcement couldn't be better timed, with the fandom still buzzing from the concluding episode of the major Gundam series, Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch from Mercury. With stellar viewership and booming merchandise sales, the Gundam franchise is undeniably at its zenith, making it the perfect stage to unveil the fresh, tech-driven project.
A Fresh Look at a Familiar Universe
Setting the stage in the beloved Universal Century timeline, precisely in U.C. 0079, Gundam: Requiem for Vengeance offers a riveting narrative eleven months post the Revolutionary War. The series chooses the viewpoint of Iria Sorari, a Zeon army Zaku pilot, harking back to Mobile Suit Gundam: Origin's narrative approach. This exploration of the European Front during the One-Year War, written by Gavin Hignight, draws its creative inspiration from Mobile Suit Gundam: Thunderbolt and the mini-series Mobile Suit Gundam: The 08th MS Team, widely considered the franchise's hidden gems.
Combining Creativity and Technology
Steering the project is the renowned German artist Erasmus Brosdau, acclaimed for his direction and scriptwriting in the universally lauded Warhammer 40K short film, “The Lord Inquisitor: Seed of Ambition.” With Gundam: Requiem for Vengeance being the franchise's maiden endeavor with Unreal Engine 5 technology, Brosdau's expertise holds the promise of an extraordinary viewing experience.
Brosdau shared his enthusiasm for the engine's capabilities in a video message during the Expo, later published on Gundam’s official YouTube channel. He praised the engine's capacity for hyper-realistic visuals, enabling viewers to feel as if they are directly in the Zaku’s cockpit. Moreover, Unreal Engine 5 has expedited the series production process.
Awaiting a Grand Arrival
While the precise release date for Gundam: Requiem for Vengeance remains undisclosed, it has been confirmed that it will be released as an Original Net Animation. The details regarding the streaming platform privileged with releasing the series are yet to be announced. Gundam enthusiasts worldwide eagerly await further updates.
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