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  • Uncrowned Guard
    Uncrowned Guard

    Logitech Has Discontinued Harmony Line of Products

    Logitech has announced that they will be discontinuing all their Harmony products effective immediately.  Harmony products are loved by many home theater users as the nearly undebatable best solution to creating a universal remote and integrating smart features into those remotes. While the future of the Harmony line has been questioned for many years due to the rise of smart TVs and smart speakers having their own solutions to Harmony’s answer, the surprise discontinuation of the lineup is still a shock. 

    Thankfully, Logitech has stated that they will continue to offer support for these products and will allow retailers to sell though their inventory.  Logitech has even gone as far as stating that they will continue to update and add new home theater products into the Harmony database, but only time will tell how dedicated they are in this task.  So, all current Harmony users should be unaffected by this move and new users can still get into the system by simply visiting a store until they sell out.  Although we would cation anyone from starting a smart home system based on a discontinued product line.

    Logitech has stated that no refunds will be issued as the products will continue to work and if users want to return a Harmony product, they will need to check with the place of purchase.  Nearly all of the release and following information is based around the remotes offered by Harmony and little information was given about other items, such as the Harmony smart hub, but they did state ALL products will continue to receive support.

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