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  • Uncrowned Guard
    Uncrowned Guard

    Microsoft Bids Farewell to WordPad After Nearly Three Decades

      TL;DR: Microsoft is planning to retire WordPad, a basic word processor that has been part of Windows since 1995. The company is shifting focus to its more advanced Microsoft Word software. The move comes after WordPad failed to receive significant updates for years, while Notepad and Microsoft Word continue to evolve.

    Microsoft is gearing up to retire its long-standing word processor, WordPad, which has been part of the Windows ecosystem since the launch of Windows 95. In a move that signals the company's focus on its more feature-rich Microsoft Word offering, the software giant confirmed that WordPad will not receive any further updates and will be phased out in an upcoming Windows release.

    A Shift to More Advanced Options

    According to a support note released by Microsoft, users are advised to switch to Microsoft Word for working on rich text documents like .doc and .rtf files, and to use Windows Notepad for simpler, plain text files like .txt. This announcement follows on the heels of significant updates to Windows Notepad, which has recently gained functionalities like autosave and automatic tab restoration. 

    WordPad Left Behind in the Update Race

    While Microsoft has been consistently updating its other text-handling apps, WordPad's last major update was back in the Windows 7 era, where it received the Ribbon UI. Despite a minor redesign during the Windows 8 phase, the application hasn't seen significant improvements since. Speculations are rife that the app's complete removal will likely coincide with the expected launch of Windows 12 in 2024, which is touted to have numerous AI-powered features.

    For those who have relied on WordPad for its simplicity and accessibility, the news might be disappointing. However, with Microsoft Word offering an array of advanced functionalities, users are being directed toward a more comprehensive tool for their word processing needs.

    Image Credit: Midjourney

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    12 hours ago, Joshua Farrell said:

    Well, I rarely used Wordpad, but it is useful in certain cases. Though it is a little odd that they would rather remove it, than do the occasional update to it.

    Ya, I have a feeling that with notepad getting updates and some new features as of late, that maybe they were worried wordpad would be stuck in the middle getting decent features and start leaching away at Word users.

    Now that I am thinking about it, I actually worry how this may effect poorer communities and 3rd world nations that can't afford that Office 365 sub.  Wordpad was probably their primary document editor if I had to guess.

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