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  • Uncrowned Guard
    Uncrowned Guard

    Microsoft in Talks to Buy Discord

    Discord has been in talks to sell itself lately and Microsoft has entered the talks as a possible buyer.  Sources have stated a possible cost of $10 billion for Discord but nothing is official yet and it is still possible that Discord will go public instead of selling itself.

    Discord is a San Francisco based communication platform focused around gaming.  The service offers text, voice, and video chat on a platform that also offers numerous gaming services on both PC and Mobile.  The service has been trying to expand from gaming as of late and seems to be doing well in this market during the current pandemic.

    Microsoft purchasing Discord makes a lot of sense as Xbox is rapidly growing on PC, but Discord is often the chat service used with these games.  Xbox also has a poor cross platform chat service and really offers nothing for many of Discords features so bringing Discord to Xbox consoles would make many gamers happy. 

    Discord has been in sales talks with other tech giants before but details for those talks are also limited.  There is also no reason to suspect these talks have any momentum to them or that this sell has any higher chance than others, but it seems to have really perked up the interest of gamers this time.

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