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About this blog

Celebrating History is a Blog about making people aware of the historical events and people that led up to modern-day holidays.  We always do our best to try to achieve the most historically accurate and factual write-ups about the history of holidays.  However, it cannot be ignored that many holidays have a very mysterious history and often multiple story lines leading up to a singular day that have been mixed together and/or translated differently throughout history. So come join us on this journey on discovering some wild adventures that led up to some of the most interesting holiday stories you may ever hear.

Entries in this blog

Hopping Through Time: The Rich History of Easter Traditions

Easter, a joyous Christian holiday celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ, has evolved over the centuries to include a delightful mix of religious and secular customs. With its roots in ancient pagan rituals, early Christian traditions, and various cultural practices, Easter has a fascinating and diverse history. In this blog, we'll explore the origins of Easter and the development of some of its most cherished traditions, including egg hunts, the Easter Bunny, and the colorful array of Ea

Uncrowned Guard

Uncrowned Guard in Easter

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