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[Discussion] Spotify's Visual Verse: Introducing Music Videos for Premium Users

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A New Visual Experience on Spotify

Spotify is set to enhance how fans connect with music and artists by launching music videos in beta for its Premium users across select markets. This new feature marks a significant addition to the streaming platform, offering users the chance to experience their favorite songs not just audibly but visually, mirroring the transformative impact music videos had since their explosion onto the scene in the early '80s. Spotify aims to deepen the artist-to-fan connection by integrating music videos into the platform, recognizing their pivotal role in turning listeners into fans and influencing pop culture.

Diverse Ways to Connect with Artists

The introduction of music videos on Spotify is part of the platform's broader strategy to offer diverse and meaningful ways for artists to connect with their audience. Spotify already features several artist engagement tools such as Canvas, Clips, Artist Bios, Live Events, and Merch. These features have proven effective in driving engagement, with Canvas visuals, in particular, leading to higher rates of user interactions. Music videos will now join this suite of tools, offering both new and loyal fans an immersive experience that complements the listening experience.

Accessing Music Videos on Spotify

The beta rollout of music videos begins with a limited catalog, including global hits from artists like Ed Sheeran, Doja Cat, and Ice Spice, as well as tracks from local favorites such as Aluna and Asake. Premium users in the U.K., Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, Sweden, Brazil, Colombia, the Philippines, Indonesia, and Kenya will be the first to access this feature. They can toggle between audio and video modes on supported tracks via iOS, Android, desktop, or TV devices, enhancing their listening experience with the option for full-screen viewing in landscape mode. As Spotify gathers feedback from this beta launch, it plans to expand the music video catalog and availability to more users and countries, further bridging the gap between music and visual artistry on its platform.

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