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First Human to Receive Neuralink Implant Says It Lets Him Play Civilization

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Nolan Arbaugh's Experience: Nolan, a quadriplegic, has been able to play chess and Civilization VI on his PC using a Neuralink brain implant.

Implant Functionality: The implant translates brain signals into Bluetooth commands, allowing Nolan to control a mouse cursor intuitively.

Impact on Daily Life: The technology has significantly improved Nolan's quality of life, enabling him to engage in long gaming sessions without physical strain.

Ongoing Development: Although the implant has been life-changing for Nolan, he acknowledges that there are still issues to address and that it's not the end of the journey.

This breakthrough represents a remarkable advancement in brain-computer interface technology.

Read More: https://www.pcmag.com/news/first-human-to-receive-neuralink-implant-says-it-lets-him-play-civilization

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As much as this technology worries me, and as much as I wouldn't be willing to touch it until it's proven itself... I can't help but be impressed by how much it's helped this patient 😄

I hope it continues to deliver positive results for him - and for others 🙂 .

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On 3/24/2024 at 4:28 PM, Kyng said:

As much as this technology worries me, and as much as I wouldn't be willing to touch it until it's proven itself... I can't help but be impressed by how much it's helped this patient 😄

I hope it continues to deliver positive results for him - and for others 🙂 .

Before you know it, humans will be part AI!

I guess it's not much different than a pacemaker helping the heart pump. Or hearing aids that let the doctor know how long you were wearing them. Only thing I don't like is the Big Brother aspect & the fact that tech, ANY tech, can be hacked.

Reminds me of the TV show I watched: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Humans_(TV_series)

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