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[Discussion] Elon Musk Officially Owns Twitter

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Elon Musk's $44 billion deal to buy Twitter is now complete after an extremely rocky path and that path does not appear to be any less crazy now that he owns the platform.  The deal that started with Musk wanting to revamp Twitter's "free speech" and moderation guidelines has already resulted in the firing of CEO Parag Agrawal and multiple other executives from the company.


  • Elon Musk now officially owns Twitter.
  • CEO Parag Agrawal and other execs were terminated.
  • Donald Trump is still banned, but unknown for how long.
  • A return of Jack Dorsey? Probably, unlikely.

These firings are not unexpected as Musk has been very blunt about wanting to revamp the company from within.  However, it still leads employees to wonder about their job as Musk has also been posting about cutting the staffing levels by significant amounts once he became the owner.  

One major move is still in the air and that is allowing former US President Donald Trump back onto the platform with the November midterm elections upon us, this is sure to be a major topic.  Elon has stated that one of his first moves would be to unban Trump and even after the crazy buying process, that does not appear to have changed.  

The future of Twitter is aligned with a mystery at the moment and it may even involve the co-founder of Twitter, Jack Dorsey, who has been in talks with Musk about the merger.  However, there is no official statement about what the future will bring for the platform.

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