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I do worry about the environment and I actually believe humans are in a race to leave Earth before we kill ourselves on it, and we are losing that race hysterically bad.  On a day-to-day note, I do try to support environmental improvements and protections, but I don't support much the government does as they are often a swing and a miss or completely avoid the entire problem.  

While that may sound bad, I actually stay out of the discussions much and really don't care what most people do themselves.  However, I do get involved as the world is flooded with companies that keep pushing "green" and "net zero climate change", but are doing super shady stuff like protecting an area of wilderness that no one wants to process to justify their pollution.

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  • 1 month later...

Do you worry about the environment?

Yes I do. Humans are so selfish & the planet is being depleted at a faster rate.

What are the biggest problems facing our environment?

The Humans!

Do you think your government cares more about its economy or the environment?

The government cares more about themselves & empty promises. They don't care about the economy nor the environment because it doesn't affect them. Not directly anyways.

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  • 2 months later...

My biggest fear or worry about our environment is the level of pollution that's been caused by us which is putting everything and everyone at risk. The sea is being made uninhabitable for sea animals, the air is being polluted so bad it affects the level of oxygen we inhale. It's getting out of hand everyday and it's part of the reason why cancer is wrecking us. 

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  • 2 months later...

Do you worry about the environment?

Yes, I do. You can see each year that the environment is being affected and it's sad to see. 

What are the biggest problems facing our environment?

Definitely, humans, we are so split as to who believes in protecting the environment and to those who do not. 

Do you think your government cares more about its economy or the environment?

They are all for themselves and at the moment, they do not seem to be caring about either the environment or the economy. 

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