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Uncrowned Gaming: What's Popular (May 2023)

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Check what has been popular around Uncrowned Gaming lately and don't be afraid to jump into some conversations!


Where Is Xur Today? - In Destiny 2, Xur is a mysterious vendor who appears on weekends and offers a selection of exotic weapons and armor for players to purchase. Xur's inventory changes each week, and he offers a variety of powerful and rare items that are not available elsewhere in the game....

Sniper Overview - Snipers are skilled marksmen who excel at long-range combat and precision shooting. They prefer to maintain a strategic distance from their targets, using high-powered rifles equipped with powerful scopes to eliminate enemies with lethal accuracy. Snipers rely on stealth and patience, carefully selecting their vantage points and patiently waiting for the perfect moment to take the shot...


What are your thoughts on live streams on TikTok? - What are your thoughts on TikTok live streams? 

First vs Third Person Shooters - What do you prefer and why?

What are your thoughts on Icon Series emotes and skins in Fortnite? - What are your thoughts on Icon series emotes and skins in Fortnite? Is there any you would like to see that have not been seen in the game yet? 


LOUD Roars to Victory in VCT Americas, Sets Sights on Tokyo Masters - In an adrenaline-charged showdown that saw sparks fly and hearts pound, the audacious Brazilian squad LOUD clinched a jaw-dropping victory over regional contenders NRG Esports on May 28. This accomplishment reaffirms LOUD's standing as a formidable force in the VALORANT Champions Tour (VCT) Americas, setting the stage for their impending clash at the Tokyo Masters...

Victory in Toronto: New York Subliners' Stellar Win at the CDL Major V - In an adrenaline-charged showdown that took the competitive Call of Duty scene by storm, the New York Subliners emerged as victors at the Mattamy Athletic Centre, proving their mettle after a grueling match against Atlanta FaZe in the CDL Major Grand Finals...

Groundbreaking Strike in Esports: League of Legends Players Unite - In a potentially historic, industry-rattling move, the North American League of Legends Championship Series Players Association (NA LCSPA) announced today an overwhelming player vote for a walk-out, marking the first industrial action of its magnitude in esports...
So come and check out our growing community!!
-Uncrowned Guard


Uncrowned Gaming - https://www.uncrownedgaming.com/


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