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Hamas' Surprise Attack on Israel: Israel Going to War

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A devastating and unexpected multi-pronged attack from Hamas has sent shockwaves across Israel. Launching a combination of air, sea, and land offensives, Hamas militants have been responsible for significant casualties and unrest within Israeli borders. With an unparalleled barrage of rockets and fighters infiltrating the southern Israeli boundary, there's a mounting tension in the region that calls for a deep dive into analysis, international responses, and what the future might hold.

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This whole situation is just terrible but I can't help but blame the US government for some of this. They allocated 6 billion to Iran and there are rumors that these men got their weapons from Ukraine. Either way, it would appear the US funded some or all of this. I am just so sick of all this death and destruction from groups like this. 

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15 hours ago, brinxy29 said:

This whole situation is just terrible but I can't help but blame the US government for some of this. They allocated 6 billion to Iran and there are rumors that these men got their weapons from Ukraine. Either way, it would appear the US funded some or all of this. I am just so sick of all this death and destruction from groups like this. 

That it is.  American influence in the area has certainly both helped and hurt the overall situation, I don't really know if it would make much sense for Ukraine to arm Hamas as Israel is giving them their Iron Dome system to fight Russia, but probably not anymore.  The main benefactor of this on an International level is probably Russia, so that might be a better source to look towards if outside help is suspected.

Just an update along the way, the US is sending a carrier group to the area.


Edited by Uncrowned Guard
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  • 3 months later...

As far as I'm concerned, Hamas was very stupid to start a war with Isreal. I kept asking what gave them the courage to believe Isreal wouldn't retaliate? Now, Isreal is trying to prove a point with the war and no one can blame because they never started the fight. I just feel for the innocent lives being killed. 

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  • 2 months later...

There is some argument on whether the whole situation in Israel is justified in that do Israelis have a right to the land.  Well, being an American, obviously there is hypocrisy.  Anyway, you see in history that land is taken from weaker groups, especially if the land is valuable and my impression of Israel is they are bullies, but saying that doesn't mean I'm anti-Semitic.   It's just a fact cause stronger groups colonizing land are like that. 

Note, however, you could say that the Islamic world was taken over by Islam by the sword, just like Latin America was made Catholic by the sword.  Well, what do you all think?

Edited by Jason
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