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Uncrowned Guard

Empire Staff
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Everything posted by Uncrowned Guard

  1. Ya, this is a solid quality for successful relationship, even a successful friendship. Both sides need to be making a positive impact on each other.
  2. Nothing planned for vacation, might be switching jobs this fall, so don't want to get too planned for time off. Pretty good here, just trying to get caught up on forums and basically everything else lol. How about yourself?
  3. Watching the Chargers v Raiders game at the moment.
  4. Subbed is the way to go, but there are times that I still watch dubbed as it is just easier when multi tasking.
  5. That is good to hear! The weather seems a bit nicer this week. 70s and 80s vs 90s will be nice.
  6. Ya, I feel like they are a bit forced to do this but the terms are very vague for creators.
  7. Ya, ownership is a big thing for me. As all these services raise prices, merge into packages, etc, etc. I just keep watching my media like nothing happened with no fees at all if I don't want to add anything new.
  8. I do very little, maybe a quick warm up but generally I just do a short walk or some little activities before jumping into lifting.
  9. I do all the bad habits. Basically no warm up and little cool down. If I do a lot of cardio, like intensive running or sprints, I'll stretch afterwards.
  10. That is rough to hear. At least you are work from home and not needing a car is a huge perk for sure!
  11. Apple Event Watch on 9/7 at 10 a.m. PT. View online at apple.com or on the Apple TV app. https://www.apple.com/apple-events/
  12. until
  13. AI is likely the next great thing and AI assisted tasks are probably going to be some of the best and most underrated inventions we have achieved. I can also see wearable tech jumping vast leaps and even implanted tech getting a good foothold.
  14. I have a home gym and love it! Overall, going to the gym it a bit of a drive for me and getting the motivation to drive somewhere after work or on my weekend off is just not high enough to succeed.
  15. I always feel like body weight routines are highly underrated. They do a great job building functional strength and also hit numerous muscles at once. However, I personally find the slow addition of weight to my reps more satisfying than body weight exercises so I stick with that most of the time.
  16. I often fall asleep with the TV on and for better or worse, that has become how I fall asleep the best. I have tried music, but it just never worked the same for me.
  17. I use YT a lot for music, but I always found that letting YT play related music will always go off the deep end sooner or later lol.
  18. This is how today is going. Supposed to be rolling thunderstorms, but so far just clouds and light rain drops.
  19. Twitch has maintained a policy of exclusivity on their platform for their streaming partners that restricted them from live streaming on any other platform. Those terms appear to be loosening but are not completely gone. An email was sent to partners stating that Twitch Partners will now be allowed to stream to other services including Twitch competitors like YouTube and Facebook, but there are some major terms to this move. TL:DR: Twitch now allows partners to stream off-site Partners can fully simulcast to mobile apps (TikTok) Partners can do a limited streams on web apps (YouTube, Facebook) Details of the limits are a bit “grey” to say the least The policy of complete exclusively ended as soon as partners received their email, but the terms of the partnership still limit how those streamers can stream to other platforms. Mobile-focused platforms like TikTok and Instagram have no limits to how the streamers can use them and fully allow simulcasting their streams to these apps. However, web-focused platforms like YouTube and Facebook do not allow simulcasting a stream for ‘an extended time”. What is an “extended amount of time”? Well, no one knows as that is exactly how it is detailed in the new FAQ and that means it will likely be enforced on a per-case basis. Steamers can jump to a second platform with their stream and then stream limitlessly on that platform if they are not also streaming to Twitch at the same time. Twitch says these terms are solely to help creators build a stronger community as simulcasting “leads to sub-optimal experiences for your community”, but only on platforms that directly compete with Twitch.
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