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Everything posted by Katy1966

  1. Is this going to included rap music? I mean, you can't listen to a lot of rap these days without hearing something that shouldn't be said. I don't know if this will hurt YouTube or help. If they want to be more family oriented, then it makes sense. If they want more freedom of speech, then it doesn't make sense at all. Perhaps they need warning labels put on those videos instead of censoring them?
  2. I can play the flute and the Irish tin whistle (also called a penny whistle). I wish I could play the piano, but it's so hard for me to read that type of music with two staffs. My mind can only focus on one staff at a time. I heard that people who play the flute can easily transition to saxophone. Does anyone know if that's true?
  3. We used to have 3 big office filing cabinets in our basement and I found we kept things unnecessarily. When we moved it was hard finding a buyer, but luckily we did. Now we only keep our tax papers and most everything else is done online, even receipts are emailed to us.
  4. Katy1966

    MSI or ASUS

    I've never had MSI but I currently own an ASUS laptop and I love their brand. My laptop has a stay cool feature so I can leave it on all day long and not worry about it being a fire hazard. It's still a pretty fast computer although if I'm running too many things at the same time, I do notice some lag.
  5. I'm a Christian and that means I have faith in the Savior who died on the cross for the forgiveness of sins so I will have eternal life with God. I don't think this is just a cultural thing since there are Christians throughout the world. Being a Christian means you realize that you miss the mark of perfection (sin) and are in need of someone to redeem you and thankfully God provided for us.
  6. There is a new spinoff of That 70s Show and it's That 90s Show and it's on Netflix. Have you checked it out or seen previews for it? My husband and I watched it in a weekend and it was enjoyable. What made it fun was not the new kids, but how it all related to the first show. Seeing the old characters come back was the best part!
  7. I have a really old camcorder from when my daughter was a baby and I think it was Hi 8? I'm probably wrong. I'd love to get the videos put onto newer technology but don't know who to trust. Is there a reliable company that won't lose or damage my cassettes?
  8. I only listen to the radio when I'm driving and that is only a couple times a week. I used to listen to Amazon Prime Music until they changed their format and now I mostly use YouTube for music I want to listen to on demand. I don't want to pay for any music services and I don't get a good reception for radio at my house and don't particularly want to listen to a station while online.
  9. I haven't bought any physical media since we moved 9 years ago. When I realized how much stuff I had to pack or give away, it was way too much so we've been trying to downsize ever since. We don't have as many VHS videos and only had a handful of bluerays anyway. The CDs, wow, we have so many and it's hard to part with that beloved music. I also have cassettes but no player!
  10. It's good that he's able to get his accounts back because those big social media companies allow other world leaders who are truly hostile, threatening and violent to maintain their accounts. When you look at it that way, you realize that it was not fair and more of a way to influence people. That's about control. If they were going to censor one person, they had to be fair and censor them all. And they didn't.
  11. I'm friends who have all kinds of political beliefs. As long as they don't push their beliefs onto me or call me names, which is what people tend to do when they run out of facts for their positions, then we're fine. I WILL set boundaries when needed and make sure they stick to those boundaries and don't cross any lines. It's easier in person to have these types of discussions because you are more aware that you're talking to a human being. Online, people are more aggressive.
  12. I hadn't gotten fired but I did get laid off a couple of times when I worked in Chicago in advertising and marketing. It was when the companies were going through hard times and trying to drum up business. They kept the more experienced workers and got rid of me, but then called me back to do freelance for them and I made more money doing that. They weren't too smart.
  13. We are at a point where there is a completely new generation raised on cell phones. I watched a quick video yesterday comparing two generations and I'm in the older group, of course! The two were asked to pretend they were talking on the phone. The way they held up their hand was completely different from one another. Then they were asked to take a picture, and the little girl did a "selfie" type. haha The old timer in my generation did it the old-fashioned way where you hold a real camera in front of you. What do you think of this generation that is raised on a phone?
  14. My husband's mancave is in the garage by the service door. He likes to open up the door and watch the wildlife in the field behind our house. My daughter made him a wood table for him to set his beer down on and he has a folding Cubs camp chair. I decorated the corner with Cubs memorabilia and his niece gave him a sign with the mileage to Wrigley Field.
  15. I've had gardens on and off for the past 20 years. This year I'll be doing another garden with mostly zucchini and crooked yellow squash. I have to watch out for the squash bugs who will completely decimate it in the matter of weeks. I really don't like gardening, but I love the fresh veggies and I get a lot of exercise bending by squating and weeding as well as doing big jumps to get over the huge plants! My zucchini plants grow really big! Last year I had 2 planters with zucchini plants and one did great, but the other one died early. I think I counted 24 zucchini I got total? Not bad for planters.
  16. When looking for a vehicle to drive in the winter, snowy, icy months, do you choose to go for an SUV or for a vehicle with 4x4 capabilities? We had a Jeep with 4x4 and the Jeep was awful. We ended up suing the corporation for giving us a lemon. We currently have a Chevy Equinox SUV and it does really well in bad conditions.
  17. I think that's a good thing then! It always gives you something to look forward to. As things become more popular, you'll find more people contributing, so the lists will get longer and longer. I'm not sure the quality will be the same though. Do you think it will suffer?
  18. We didn't have a school uniform since I went to public school. There was actually talk one year of switching to uniforms and I was horrified because I was a heavy girl and didn't know if there would be clothing to fit me, but of course there would be, I wasn't THAT huge. Looking back, I see how having uniforms can stop the poor kids like me from feeling bad that they couldn't afford the designer name clothing. But the uniforms back then in the 80s were absolutely awful.
  19. I used to do warm ups when I did the P90X videos, but now that I only hike, I don't warm up. I just get up and go. I don't even stretch before or after but probably should stretch at least afterward? When I used to go bike riding, I wouldn't warm up except to start off a little slow and then I could get up to my speed of about 17mph.
  20. I used to LOVE listening to music through Amazon Prime! I had the app on my iPod when I worked but then my iPod got too old to do the updates so I had to stop using it. I have the app on my phone and noticed that I can't play my Playlists in order or select a song by demand now. Back in November Amazon changed it so that there is a constant shuffle! It's ridiculous!
  21. I used to absolutely LOVE Netflix, but the past year or so...not so much. Yes, I loved the Wednesday series and look forward to another season, but in between, there aren't many good shows and all too many international shows. My husband and I are both annoyed by the voice overs since they use the same voices for about every show. As for Amazon Prime, I have it but don't watch it. There's really not much on there that interests me. My nephew has Hulu and we watched movies at Christmastime. Does anyone have Hulu and would they rate it above both Netflix and Prime?
  22. Each year there seems to be a certain "look" when it comes to graphic design. What is it for the year 2023 and is it about the same as 2022? Some of the trends for 2022 were doodles, fonts with a twist, 2D and 3D mashup, and anti-design (whatever that is).
  23. If you have a job that requires you to sit throughout the day, it can definitely be difficult to get more steps in. When I worked, I made sure I got up every hour just to move around. Even taking the long way down to the bathroom gained extra steps!
  24. I get 10,000 steps a day. That's my daily goal and it's rare for me not to meet it and I suppose the only real times I don't is when we're traveling or when I'm sick (or when my thyroid hormones are off). I prefer to get most of my steps doing hikes in the local parks since the trails are really fun and challening.
  25. I was all for this purchase even though I never signed up on Twitter. I'm seriously thinking of registering someday if he continues to do good things with the company. I like that he's listening to the voices and opinions of the people. I also like that he's being transparent and letting everyone know what kind of shady dealings the company was doing for the past few years.
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