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Everything posted by Bizdustry

  1. Bizdustry


    Hey everyone! My name is Alex, and I’m the owner of Bizdustry. I look forward to discussing topics with like minded people here.
  2. I do have a filling cabinet at home for paperwork that isn’t digital yet, such as hard copy certificates. However the filing cabinet isn’t exactly tidy and organised. Need to find the time organise it as soon as possible!
  3. I like Sketching and Painting but I’m not good at it to any extent. I remember taking this GCSE at school, and I failed the qualification but I do find it very rewarding and relaxing. Really helps to reduce stress and anxiety that builds up in adult life.
  4. I don’t think even the elderly stop learning. Each day you learn something new or even learn how to handle a negative situation better next time. And, I wouldn’t class anyone as old, they are x number of years young.
  5. Hey everyone. A little cold here in the Uk, at around 4 degrees Celsius this morning. Didn’t want to get up early with this sort of weather.
  6. That Father Christmas was real and that if I didn’t behave myself I’d be getting coal. With the help of uncle google at around 15-16 I realised that he isn’t real but this still hasn’t changed my opinion of the Christmas season. It’s a great time of year to spend with family.
  7. I have never been bit by an animal before, fortunately and I’m hoping to keep it this way. Unfortunately a lot of wild animals are not domesticated and may have rabies so it’s best to respect their space. But hey? Hopefully this doesn’t occur.
  8. I don’t really like reading long text. I don’t actually read, I will skim and scan the text taking the important stuff from it, without sitting there for 10 minutes plus trying to figure out what to takeaway from it. I do like Articles that have Key Takeaways at the end instead of concluding what has been discussed
  9. Life plans life for me here. I don’t really plan life, I go along with the flow and like to see where the road will take me. Sometimes I will need to be taking a diversion to a different path, if it will benefit me.
  10. I’m not going to admit publicly whether or not I’ve been fired from a job. Don’t want prospective employers to be reading this topic here. But, being fired from a role isn’t a nice feeling and it’s very hard to pick yourself up again but it does indeed make you a stronger person.
  11. Getting rid of boredom! Easiest way to is take on extra liabilities, like extra hours studying for something you’re wanting to do later on in life or increasing your work hours in your role. Then, you’ll appreciate time a lot more when you are not engaged in any of these activities.
  12. If money didn’t exist, I would probably only work one day a week volunteering my time as a Police Officer or in the public sector. There’s nothing better than the feeling of making a difference and making a positive impact to the community. Then, this would give you enough time to enjoy life in between without getting bored
  13. Great helpful guide! Thank you for sharing this information- it will definitely help me identify a scam artist in the future. Keep up the helpful tips!
  14. I also use Brave Browser that has a built in Anti Ad Blocker installed on the software itself. It’s very good and blocking trackers and cookies across websites, and it runs on Chromium (the software used for Chrome). On my mobile I’ll use the built in Safari App.
  15. Anything excessive in this world is bad for you. Freak, whatever you do could be considered bad but this does stop you from living everyday? Technology could be considered negative for us, as it drags us away from reality and what’s going around us.
  16. I’ve heard of a password manager called LastPass. There’s multiple options on the market and it really depends on your personal preferences. Some people can remember their passwords, but these services are best used for people who use 16 characters plus randomly generated credentials
  17. I use 2FA, or Two Factor Authentication with Google Auth on websites that are financial related or mean a lot to me. I don’t use them all of websites and forums, but sites that have a lot of personal information on, I will add an extra layer of security. Make sure to backup your auth codes!
  18. Technology in the future? I’d like the ability to be able to time travel between the past and the present. I would probably use it to skip some shifts at work 😆
  19. Yes and no. Provided the themes are not ‘over crowded and cause the website speed to be negatively impacted, the answer would be yes. It does really depend on the theme/style that the website owner chooses
  20. I use iOS on my mobile phone and Windows on my computer. Probably the two best operating systems but everyone will have different opinions of this. It also depends on what you are wanting to use the device for, to what OS best suits you.
  21. I remember my first experience with the internet was using MSN Live Messenger and Skype. As for browsers, I started with using IE Explorer on Windows XP. It really brings back some good memories!
  22. I will usually wait 3-4 years or when the computer starts to become really slow or regularly crashes when running programs. At this time, I won’t let the computer go to waste. I’ll send it second hand to someone else who needs it.
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