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Study Finds "Remote Work" has a positive impact on Productivity

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ACCORDING TO A STATEMENT PUBLISHED THIS PAST FRIDAY, Texas A & M University School of Public Health has a new study finding that resiliency via employee and company is enhanced through remote work.


Natural Disasters and the recent pandemic have led to a lot of employees working from home remotely. This particular study included data before, during, and after Hurricane Harvey. Total Computer usage declined during the Hurricane but swiftly returned to normal not seven months after the hurricane hit.

Marx Benden the director of the school’s Ergonomics Center is quoted as “In the future, there will be a greater percentage of the workforce who is involved in some sort of office-style technology work activities” “Almost all of the study’s employees were right back up to the same level of output as they were doing before Hurricane Harvey. This is a huge message right now for employers because we’re having national debates about whether or not employees should be able to work remotely or in a hybrid schedule.”


The study also suggested that working from home, encourages more frequent breaks to recharge, making working from the homeless likely to result in work-related accidents and better turnaround time with projects.

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Doesn't surprise me too much. I've been working from home most days since the pandemic began - and, while I'm not sure if it's had a positive effect on my productivity, it certainly hasn't had a negative effect! It's actually quite easy to avoid getting distracted. 

(I do still go to the office on Mondays - but this works nicely for me, since I prefer in-person meetings over Zoom meetings, and they all get done then!)

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On 5/11/2022 at 7:04 PM, Kyng said:

Doesn't surprise me too much. I've been working from home most days since the pandemic began - and, while I'm not sure if it's had a positive effect on my productivity, it certainly hasn't had a negative effect! It's actually quite easy to avoid getting distracted. 

(I do still go to the office on Mondays - but this works nicely for me, since I prefer in-person meetings over Zoom meetings, and they all get done then!)

The only real issue I find with work from home is training and evolving new employees.  Not too bad if they have experience already, but it is a challenge on-boarding new employees either way.

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