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FitBits to Help With Activity and Exercise

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I got a Garmin watch and it has helped a ton.  The achievement systems that them and Fitbit use are quite nice and if you get deep into them, your health is likely to improve.  Although I do have a friend who is a fairly daily runner and has run out of achievements, so idk how well they will work for dedicated fitness people.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I love my FitBit! I really only use it for steps and mileage because I have two goals: 1) to get 10,000 steps a day and 2) to hike 15 miles a week. I do very well at getting the 10,000 steps a day, but the 15 miles a week is hard when the weather doesn't cooperate with me. 

I love how long the FitBit holds a charge and I even forget at times to charge it, but have only had it run out on me once since I've owned it. I think I might have had this for 3 or 4 years now?

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  • 2 weeks later...

There's no doubt about how good FitBit is. I love it. I also make use of my health app in my smartphone to track my steps, heartbeat etc. I have a stop target of 10,000 everyday to meet. Walking 10,000 steps every day isn't an easy task. It used to be 6,000 but I had my target increased. 

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