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Uncrowned Addiction: What's Popular (Oct 2023)

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Check what has been popular around Uncrowned Addiction lately and don't be afraid to jump into some conversations!


The 'Free Today' Trap: How Online Sellers Dupe Unsuspecting Shoppers - The internet offers countless opportunities for genuine deals and discounts. However, not all that glitters is gold. Among the many legitimate deals online are schemes designed to lure in unsuspecting customers. One such deceptive practice is the "Free Today" scam, which promises high-value products for free but conceals the real costs elsewhere.

Is That Facebook Account Hacked? Signs of Scam Activity to Watch For - Understanding how to spot compromised accounts can not only help protect your information but also helps prevent the spread of online scams. Always exercise caution and encourage others to do the same.


Hypothetical Scenario - Should the West Retaliate if Russia Uses a Nuclear Strike on Ukraine? - What if Russia were to use a nuclear strike on Ukraine? Should the Western nations retaliate, potentially triggering a global nuclear conflict with catastrophic consequences?

Social Platforms Move Towards Paid Subscription Models: Necessity or Cash Grab? - In a major shift for the social media landscape, major platforms including X (formerly known as Twitter), Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok are exploring or rolling out paid subscription models. While Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok seem to be focusing on ad-free experiences, X has taken a bolder step by proposing a fully paid access plan. Behind these changes, some analysts point to the European Union's rigorous stance on user data rights, which has possibly made the traditional, data-driven, ad-supported model less tenable. But what does this mean for users worldwide?

The Count Game (2023) - We already beat last year's total.  Let's keep it growing!


Unlocking Cosmic Mysteries: Bennu Sample Offers New Perspectives on the Solar System's Past - NASA's OSIRIS-REx mission successfully retrieved a sample from asteroid Bennu, containing water and carbon, offering unprecedented insights into the solar system's origins and potentially the genesis of life on Earth. The sample's return marks the climax of a seven-year mission, with findings highlighting the crucial role of asteroids in seeding life's building blocks on our planet.

Sustainability Win: Right to Repair Act Targets E-Waste Reduction in California - California enacts a transformative Right to Repair Act, set for implementation in 2024, demanding manufacturers provide essential repair resources for electronic devices. While it excludes certain items like game consoles, the move marks significant progress in consumer rights and environmental responsibility, potentially influencing national policy due to California's tech-centric economy.

Endless Anime: Crunchyroll's Free Channel Brings Classics to the Forefront - Crunchyroll heightens anime accessibility in the U.S. by introducing a free, 24-hour channel, set to feature an array of classic anime shows in English. This initiative, distinct from its subscription service, marks a significant expansion in the anime sphere, supported by major platforms like LG Channels, the Roku Channel, Vizio WatchFree+, and Amazon’s Freevee.


So come and check out our growing community!!
-Uncrowned Guard

Uncrowned Addiction - https://www.uncrownedaddiction.com/

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