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  • Pythagorean Theorem Calculator

    Right-Angled Triangle
  • Pythagorean Theorem Calculator

    Our Pythagorean Theorem Calculator is a straightforward and efficient tool designed to help you find the missing side of a right-angled triangle. Whether you're a student, teacher, or math enthusiast, this calculator simplifies the process of solving for the lengths of the sides of a right triangle.

    How to Use the Tool

    1. Input Two Known Sides: Begin by entering the lengths of any two sides of your right-angled triangle in the designated input fields on the form. You can input the lengths of the two legs (sides A and B) or one leg and the hypotenuse (side C).
    2. Leave One Field Blank: Ensure that you leave the input field for the side you wish to calculate blank. Our calculator is designed to solve for the missing length, provided that exactly one side's length is unknown.
    3. Submit to Calculate: After filling in the known values, click the "Calculate" button. The calculator will then display the length of the missing side.

    Using our Pythagorean Theorem Calculator, you can quickly solve for any missing side without performing manual calculations, making it an invaluable resource for homework, projects, or simple curiosity about the geometric relationships in right-angled triangles.

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