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Blink-182's new album.


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After roughly  8 years, the original Blink-182 lineup is reuniting (hopefully for the final time as the title of the album would suggest)  for a new studio album and the songs they've released so far, are sounding pretty good. The new album  "One More Time" is set to release on October 20th.  The original guitarist Tom Delonge originally left the band in 2005, and then reunited with the band in 2009, put out an album "Neighborhoods" in 2011 and an EP "Dogs Eating Dogs" in 2012, before leaving the band again in 2015. Blink-182 brought in Alkaline Trio's Matt Skiba for 2 studio albums in 2016's California & 2019's "Nine" (which ironically was their 8th studio album) before reuniting again with Tom Delonge in 2022. Now we're seeing the fruits of their labor as a reunited band that's been through a lot of ups and downs.  What brought on this 2nd reunion with Tom Delonge was the plane crash that almost claimed the life of Travis Barker, the band's drummer and the bassist Mark Hoppus' battle with stage 4 lymphoma. Hoppus beat the disease and the band is now on tour appreciating that life is too short for petty stuff.  The band has started playing some of their new material that will be featured on the album.   One More Time drops on October 20th. 


As a long time Blink fan. I'm looking forward to the album and it does seem to sound like their older stuff from 2001-2003, which is nice to hear.  What are your thoughts? Have you heard their new material yet?

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I haven't followed them in years. I was not even aware they broke up or were still making music. I think their old music was great but as far as I know, nothing in recent years has been worth listening to. At least, not to me. I am very picky with music now. The older I get, the less I enjoy and listen to. 

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