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Everything posted by Kyng

  1. Excellent question! I genuinely don't know the answer... I do lean towards there being a Great Filter [i]somewhere[/i], but whether it's ahead of us or behind us is anyone's guess. It's not like we've found advanced life (or any life at all) elsewhere in the universe - but then, there are obvious candidates for Great Filters in our near future (an AI that outsmarts and enslaves us being one example of such). Or it could be that all the aliens just stay on their home worlds, because space exploration is either too dangerous or too expensive 😛 .
  2. Interesting stuff indeed. The building blocks of life aren't exactly common, so if they got here from elsewhere... that makes me wonder where else they might have reached!
  3. It was one of the first big news stories that I remember. I was too young to fully understand, but it was clear from the immense amount of coverage just how important she was. And yeah, I hate the paparazzi too... most of the time, they're just an annoyance, but this shows there are times when they can get legitimately dangerous >_< .
  4. Kyng


    Welcome aboard, brinxy29! I hope you enjoy this place 🙂 .
  5. I'd simply stop using them. I don't get very much out of them anyway (except arguably Facebook, which I use to keep in contact with my real-life friends - but, if they too refused to pay, then there'd be no point in me sticking around!)
  6. The Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl.
  7. Not really... I generally get 6-7 hours on weekdays, and I can just about scrape by with that. I have been trying to go to bed earlier, but it doesn't always work out!
  8. I can't speak for anyone else, but Tinder Select would be a total waste of money for me. I've never used Tinder, because I don't really become interested in someone until I know them somewhat well. Tinder Select wouldn't change that.
  9. That is a concerning thought... indeed it's not just Putin, but also Xi Jinping, Kim Jong-un, and others. What if they all decided to attack at once? The USA certainly wouldn't be able to handle it alone. And whatever problems the current administration might have, that's also true of past administrations: the USA has never been powerful enough to take on the entire rest of the world on its own (except perhaps a brief period in 1945-49, when they were the only ones to have a nuclear bomb). Instead, I believe there would need to be a united response from the entire Western world.
  10. 100%... was plugged in until recently.
  11. Banned for using a different one!
  12. I find the small screens rather restrictive, so I wish they had a larger screen that folded. (Of course, folding phones have been made, but they're still expensive and fragile... once a robust and affordable one has been made, I'll happily get it!)
  13. Haven't seen any of those... I think the last one I saw was the original Sonic the Hedgehog movie (although I did enjoy that!)
  14. Well, we're still two big steps away from showing that there's life there. First of all, we don't know for sure that this "life molecule" even exists there - and secondly, even if it does, we don't know if it's being produced by biological processes (it could be some geological process that doesn't exist on Earth). Though, it is certainly intriguing, and worthy of further study!
  15. Banned for being new 😛 .
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