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Everything posted by Kyng

  1. That's honestly not too bad. I've always thought Nitro was too expensive for me (since I don't use Discord enough to justify it); however, this would be worth considering.
  2. Yes... singing them very badly 😛 . Definitely NOT something I would do now!
  3. Yeah, I think the ability to be yourselves around one another is the most important thing. Being around them shouldn't feel like work: it should be a method of re-charging your batteries, not something that drains them further.
  4. Well, as an update to the above: I no longer have a car at all. The Yaris failed its annual MOT test, and fixing it would have cost more than the car was worth. I haven't replaced it yet, since I don't need a car at the moment: I'm able to work from home most days. But if I'm ever expected to go into the office more often, then I am going to need to find something new.
  5. Well, there are certainly advantages to getting physical copies. With something like Netflix, you don't really 'own' anything: you just get access to the shows and movies they give you, and they can take them away whenever they want. Even with something like Steam, you lose all your games if the company ever goes bust. Which they haven't yet, but it is a bit of a worry...
  6. No, I honestly think it'd just distract me.
  7. Usually just from YouTube, although I don't listen to a whole lot.
  8. 42 The answer to Life, the Universe, and Everything
  9. Singing nasty things about my teachers in the school canteen... because I was unaware that anybody would tell them >_< .
  10. 39 Let's get this going again!
  11. Doubt it'll displace Twitch among gamers and existing streamers, simply because they're more established 😛 . However, Meta's services do have a massive built-in audience, so they could succeed at pitching this to people who aren't on Twitch already!
  12. It was in the year 2000. I can't remember exactly which website I went to, but knowing what I was interested in at the time, it was probably something related to Lego 😛 .
  13. No, but I'm not exactly in shape, so I feel like I should 😛 .
  14. The tree fell on a road during Christmas
  15. Sounds like this was based on a few high-profile acquisitions - and I'm not sure that they can maintain that strategy in the long run 😛 . In any case, congrats to them!
  16. Hip-hop. Particularly the tracks where it's just the 'artist' rapping about how many cars they have, how much money they have, how many girls they have (and what they do in bed with them)... really don't see the appeal of those.
  17. Yes, that's another good point! Always seems to happen to me...
  18. Ugh, I don't like this. But I guess that was always one of the risks with these 'smart devices'...
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