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Everything posted by ZandraJoi

  1. Have you ever eaten the fruit? I don't know if we can get the fruit in the USA. I too read up on the history. We get ours from Lakanto. Here's an article if others would be interested: https://www.lakanto.com/blogs/recipes/the-legend-behind-the-monk-fruit-name
  2. Thank you! 🙂 It's why I don't believe in diets but rather lifestyle changes. Then you can reap the benefits year-round. Plus, you don't get that icky feeling from detoxing.
  3. Aww! That sounds nice. I live in Michigan & we have the Great Lakes but also many inland lakes. Not the same as saltwater but still a way to cool off!
  4. Good Morning! Yesterday was quite humid but hopefully today will be nicer. I can handle the heat, not the humidity 🙂
  5. What some people don't realize is you can't spot reduce. You can tone the area up but one needs to focus on a diet overhaul to be able to see those muscles & hence reduce body fat. Eating real food, managing stress levels (cortisol can cause belly fat), keeping fit are all good ways.
  6. How did it work for you? I don't do wheat & limit processed foods & sugar on a regular basis anyways. I have a motto: "Eating junk makes me feel like junk!" So I really try to cut it out.
  7. @PaigeDo you live by the beach? & is it a lake or an ocean? I'm in Michigan so we have the Great Lakes here as well as many inland lakes. Good Morning! A sunshiny day today 🙂
  8. i.e. around the moon, sun, double? I’ve seen a typical single rainbow but I’ve also seen one around the moon, the sun, as well as a double one. Not to mention some not in the sky but off a lake. Where we live, our homestate has a lot of lakes around & those rainbows just shimmer off the water. Last year, we had a bad rainstorm & when it was clearing up, two rainbows appeared. I was impressed as the bottom one towards the right side anyways, the colors just stood out. I don’t recall seeing such vibrant colors before.
  9. This is me lol I love to write however drawing was not my forte. Stick figures don't even look like stick figures lol
  10. Good Morning Everybody! A hot day here with some thunderstorms coming in tonight. Supposed to be severe. Hope you all have a great weekend 🙂
  11. I can see the security aspect of private mode but I too have many sites I visit with auto log-in. If I only had a few sites, I may consider it. But I'm on a lot of forums. Not all the time, but I pop in some every now & then to say Hi.
  12. We do. My husband buys CDs the most from other garage sales. Then he downloads them to his Mp3 & we then put them in our own garage sale 🙂 Same with movies. Although there are a few movies I have kept i.e. The Twilight Series, The Pretender, The Fifth Element, the majority we buy for $1, watch at our leisure, then sell them for the same price.
  13. I picked Other as I found you on ForumPromotion! Nice forum with a wide variety of topics that are quite interesting 🙂
  14. Nice to see you here @Nebulous🙂
  15. I always like having mint. Spearmint being the best one as I make tea with it. I used to have a stevia plant but I used the leaves up in my tea lol We've had basil but I think it would have done better if we repotted it. It wilted quite fast after we bought it.
  16. Happy Saturday Morning 🙂 A nice weekend. We don't have any plans other than just doing minor things around the house. What do you all like to do?
  17. I picked Both lol because it just depends on the show. Some the English translation is horrible so I go with being dubbed. But then that can be a pain too when I hear the English words but the subtitles are off. I prefer reading my TV shows as I find I have missed so much trying to listen. I just do better with seeing the words.
  18. I can do without heavy metal. All the instruments playing & the singers don’t sing, they yell. Country music is another one along with rap music. Now granted, I do like some country songs but for the most part, I gravitate towards 80’s music. The era I grew up in. Music was different back then.
  19. I use Brave Browser as well as Mozilla & Chrome. I like Brave but the Ad-blockers tend to block too much. I cannot remove the Ad-Blocker for some sites including my own forum at times, so I have to use an alternate browser. What are some benefits to using Ad-Blockers? How do people deal with it when they cannot access certain websites or forums?
  20. We had WebTV. It was actually cool because we could sit comfy on our couch. Problem though, it tied up the phone line & was extremely slow. This was in 2000 or so. Anybody remember WebTV? I'm curious if others used it as their first experience.
  21. I never did. My middle sister used to when we were younger. The crack reminded me of nails on a chalkboard lol There is conflicting reports saying those that cracked their knuckles develop arthritis later in life. For those who did, why did you crack & do you feel it hurt your hands later?
  22. I have never been fired. I have been let go as a temp many years ago but it wasn’t about me; the job just didn’t need the extra workers anymore.
  23. Yeah it is uncommon lol I like being outdoors & in nature. I don't like being tied down to a phone dinging constantly. I feel I'm healthier that way. We are able to have a landline still so that makes the difference. But even if they got rid of the landline, I would only use the cell as much as I use the landline now. Hardly ever LOL
  24. A diet can be useful to get a jump on losing weight & especially for health reasons. But people have to think long-term. Cutting out sugar can be a wonderful start. There are sugar substitutes out there. Stevia & MonkFruit are popular. MonkFruit is a 1:1 ratio for sugar.
  25. Faith doesn't have to mean a higher power. I can have faith in myself & in fellow human beings. I don't believe in a god; I'm an ex-Christian. I am not one who cares for labels. I'm just a Human BEing. 🙂
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