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Everything posted by ZandraJoi

  1. We were in the 80's the other week then it got 50° colder. This past week was only in the 50's. But I got a lot done when it was very hot out. Is that the normal temp for you & your area? I'm in Michigan, USA & that was unseasonably warm for us. But I loved it 🙂
  2. Welcome to the forum @Claraviolet! Do you have a favorite anime? How long have you been watching them? What got you started?
  3. The last movie I saw was Ip Man. Based on the teacher of Bruce Lee. Very loosely based but was a great watch. I've seen it a few times already. I love martial arts!
  4. The latest episode of Will Trent. Pretty good TV show. Good backstories going on.
  5. When you workout, do you prefer to focus on one part at a time i.e. Leg Day or do a Full Body Workout to maximize your time? I prefer to focus on one area. I have done full body when I was limited on time.
  6. If inside my own home, I just do barefoot. I don’t like wearing shoes inside the house. I did try a pair of shoes I kept just for indoor exercising but it was way too cumbersome. I am sensitive in my feet so find I can grip & feel the floor & hence get a better workout in when I go barefoot. If I did classes, I’d do shoes. Unless it was Yoga.
  7. While I don't use Discord, never tried it so can't rate it, this is great news for those who do. It's over triple the size now. Has anybody seen a difference? Do you find you are sharing more pictures or documents?
  8. I have never heard of this in our state of Michigan. Some may do volunteer tests but I don't know of anybody who does this. I will have to read up on it as I'm quite curious now.
  9. Earth Day is on April 22 every year. It started in 1970. What do you do for this day? I try to make every day Earth Day. However, "days" like these help bring awareness to special events & keeps it in our minds.
  10. Do you worry about the environment? Yes I do. Humans are so selfish & the planet is being depleted at a faster rate. What are the biggest problems facing our environment? The Humans! Do you think your government cares more about its economy or the environment? The government cares more about themselves & empty promises. They don't care about the economy nor the environment because it doesn't affect them. Not directly anyways.
  11. That's our temps right now here in Michigan. We hit 80! But next week will be 40/50's. Very odd weather! I used to start some seeds indoors but we have too many curious pets & not enough room.
  12. Not really. I've had barn cats nip at me & while it bled, it was more of a warning than anything.
  13. 1 week gone in April! More & more flowers are popping up. Anybody in a zone where they can start planting yet? We still have a good month.
  14. I am curious about this as well. I know of places that offer this but I honestly cannot say which is good or not. @GrungieWhere do you get these converters?
  15. While I don't take that many pictures, my husband does & he bought us a camera many years ago that we like to use. We don't do cell phones so I cannot comment on how good of quality those would be. We tend to be more old-fashioned. A phone is to make a call. A camera is to take pictures! To me, if an item such as a phone is similar to a jack of all trades, there's too many things that can go wrong with it. Just like how back in the day we never wanted a TV/ VCR combo. When one gets screwy, well, you lose the other too! So, who has used both? Which ones do you prefer & why?
  16. I don't care for surround sound. I tend to use Subtitles even for English speaking shows so even having the sound all around me, I still would want to read it. Plus, it can be a bit nerve-wracking when you hear something "behind you" lol
  17. Good Morning! April Fool's Day today! I don't know how people started this tradition lol
  18. It’s not just for kids. There are different variations. For those who are not familiar with it, you place chairs either in a circle or back to back. With one less chair than the number of people. One person plays the music. All go around the chairs. Once the music stops, everybody must sit down. The person who doesn’t find a chair is out. Many people may remember this from their childhoods but there are grown-up parties that are light-hearted that incorporate this fun activity. What do you think of it? Did you like it as a kid? What about as an adult?
  19. ZandraJoi

    Learning music

    I think the best way to learn is first, to have the willingness to learn as well as the desire. There are loads of books, videos people can read & watch. When I learn something, I tend to learn on my own but I do like having a one on one to help me when I get stuck. Some people prefer classes as that fits their personality better. What helps you the most when you are learning music? Whether it is learning tips on how to write a song or playing an instrument.
  20. I loved roller skating. The ones with wheels on each corner, NOT the in-line skates liken to ice-skates. My ankles did not like either of those. We always went roller skating & did the Hokey Pokey. Anybody remember that from the good ol' days? I skated pretty well. Didn't fall. Too often lol Only when I wasn't concentrating. We do have a roller skating rink but it mostly caters to the younger crowd so we never bothered going. Do you like skating?
  21. This game reminds me as a cross between Croquet & Baseball. Has wickets at each end where athletes use a bat that is flattened to hit the ball. It can be traced back to the 16th century in England. I’m not athletic though I do pay some attention to sports. However, this game was one I couldn’t get into. Maybe because I’m in the USA & it doesn’t seem to be as common here. Who plays Cricket? Do you do it for fun or been on a league?
  22. Good Morning! 1 more week left until April. Anybody do anything for April Fool's Day?
  23. Welcome @Joshua Farrell! Nice to have you here with us 🙂
  24. I don’t use Password Managers but I do create a good, strong password. I’m not against Managers; I just have never used one so am honestly intimidated by how they work. Plus, is there a fee? Is it worth the extra layer of security?
  25. Very good guide! People tend to take the internet for granted & not seriously enough. Whatever you post online can be free for the taking from anybody out there.
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