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Everything posted by ZandraJoi

  1. Going off of the Coke vs Pepsi thread. What do you call them- Pop or Soda? I’m in Michigan, USA & we call it pop. When I visited a penpal in Tennessee years ago, she had asked me if I wanted a Coke. But she offered Pepsi lol It was funny how they referred to “Coke” as generic.
  2. When I did drink pop, it was Coke mostly. Pepsi was okay for a different "flavor" of cola. However here, I chose "Other" as my pop of choice was Dr. Pepper. Primarily Caffeine Free Diet Dr. Pepper. But I haven't drank pop in years now!
  3. I think Elon Musk has the right idea but "free speech" has taken on a whole new meaning in today's era.
  4. Turning games into movies & vice versa is an interesting take. What do people think of it?
  5. I used to watch The Olympics years ago & like the gymnastics the best. I'm not an athlete, however I do like fitness & exercise. I can't think of one I'd like to add nor remove. While I don't care for many of them i.e. wrestling, you do have to admit they require a good level of physical & mental ingenuity. I figure the more that's in there, the more it encourages people to be physically fit. Some that could be added in would be strategy games like Chess (saw that on another forum). While it's not physical, it does involve skill & strategy.
  6. Looks great! Are you doing it by yourself or you have others helping out?
  7. I agree! I love learning. The brain needs to be exercised just as much as the rest of the body. Some of my favorite books are manuals on holistic living & health. How to keep my family as well as my pets healthy. I’m big into preventing as I believe in the An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Other books I have are for Preppers. Always good to have a wide variety of knowledge. You can learn by other means such as playing a game, learning a new skill, etc.
  8. When I was younger, I had always wished we had these types of cars. I thought of all the time people would save. But now that technology IS advancing, it doesn’t seem as good now. There’s too many things that can go wrong. I rather drive myself. Then if I get in an accident, it’s human error, not computer error. Unless of course the accident was caused by a self-driving car! Then I’d be mad lol
  9. Happy Saturday Morning! Everybody have a good Thanksgiving? We spend it with my parents. They came to our house. Sometimes we go down there, depending on the weather, etc. We always have a great time.
  10. Could do without the cold & snow lol We just got 8" last 2 days. Other than that, just keeping warm. Are you getting snow there?
  11. Good Morning! 2 more weeks until Thanksgiving. How is everybody doing this Holiday Season?
  12. Not really. Whenever I do drive, I just prefer the silence. I don't listen to the radio or to music too much but when my husband & I are going to visit my parents, we have the radio on. Some local news is always good to hear. Plus it helps pass the time. My husband has several stations he listens to actually on his way to work. Sometimes it can be calming listening to different types of music & it's easier than having to have CDs all over.
  13. What do you think about Daylight Savings Time? Does your area observe it? Do you wish they would stop changing clocks back & forth? Tomorrow is DST Ends so we Fall Back. It's easier than the Spring one but still throws the body off.
  14. Good Morning! How are you all doing? We had some pretty nice weather this past week. Warmer than average. Today is rainy & while colder, still doable.
  15. The older "21 Jump Street" from the 1980's. We ended up stopping however in Season 2 as it just didn't hold us anymore. The acting from now-famous actors was not up to par back then. But it was nice nostalgia!
  16. Since I'm not good at themes, I have to use from our Proboards Library. I'm honestly not good at the bells & whistles. I'm an introvert who prefers writing over talking so incorporate that into my forum. There's also something to be said about being overly done. To me, if a forum is too busy looking (not the activity, but popups, colors), I feel they are trying to overcompensate for something else. I tend to avoid forums where the themes are "loud".
  17. Hope you all have a great one! Do you do anything to celebrate? Anything special with your family, kids, friends? Go to parties? We just stay home as we don't have kids nor care to do parties.
  18. No wonder you like it lol We have wooded acreage & own our own home. Always something to fix, do upkeep on, maintain. It's worth it for the peace we have here lol
  19. I have never tried Amazon Prime. We did have Netflix for many years & liked the service & ease of use. However, they redid their system & don't offer as many good shows as they used to. Plus, they got rid of several features & made it harder to navigate. Right now we just use our Phone/TV/Internet bundle & whatever streaming services comes with it.
  20. I don't use Social Media but seems this isn't a good idea for those I've talked to. They already have Twitch & even YouTube for livestreaming. I guess it may be great for a One-stop shopping for those already on FaceBook.
  21. For people who use YouTube, how do you think this will be? Will it be beneficial or something that is dropped later on due to either being hard or just not enough participation in it.
  22. I honestly cannot remember. My family knows I don't like surprises so if anything happens, it was already talked about with me lol I'm curious what others would say.
  23. Good Morning! Last weekend we had our last sale of the season at my parents. This weekend will get more "Fall" stuff done outside. What are your plans?
  24. Good Morning! Happy first day of October! Gonna have a nice day today after being unseasonably cold then will drop down again. At least the sun is shining 🙂
  25. A room or even a space dedicated to your playing & storing your equipment? Even one for listening? I’m curious what people have. If you don’t have a room, what works for you? Do you tend to have to pack up your equipment often?
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