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Everything posted by ZandraJoi

  1. If I'm driving, I prefer highway. Stop & gos tend to make my anxiety higher. Riding, if we need to get somewhere fast, the highway but prefer back roads for the scenic views.
  2. I’m a night owl so I’d prefer a sunset. We’ve been to Lake Michigan & being on the West side, it’s a nice sunset. However, we have also been on the East side of the state camping, overlooking Lake Huron & the sunrise was pretty. I only saw it once & went back to sleep lol
  3. That is a lot of files! Are they still imposing this limit? I don't know of individuals who would have need of this quantity. I can see, as @Kyngmade note, bigger companies may struggle. Especially if they have a lot of workers & a lot of job orders.
  4. I never used Alexa; didn't care for the idea. Who liked using it & what voice did you pick? Is there a celebrity's voice you would have liked to hear instead?
  5. Right now, the only thing I have of Logitech is their Ergo MX mouse, trackball. This one is wireless & normally I prefer wired as the wireless tends to have too many glitches, but this newer one is actually going smoothly! I never tried their microphones but I'm also not into video chats.
  6. I feel for all those in this path. It's been so dry everywhere. Even here in Michigan, I usually have my rain barrels filled with water but we haven't had rain for a good month. I hope they get them under control soon.
  7. I hope the rest of the year goes well! We prefer to just relax instead of going away on vacation anymore. Are you have a drought too? I'm in the USA & we haven't had rain in a long time. I know Canada is dry as well with the wildfires. Whereabouts are you? I'm in Michigan but I know the east coast is getting the smoke.
  8. Latest song I listened to was from Survivor, High on You. I also listened to a few of their other ones such as Burning Heart, Eye of the tiger, & The search is over. Quite nostalgic for me as I grew up with these songs.
  9. Are you going away or just relaxing at home? Happy Saturday Morning All 🙂
  10. These are simple guidelines that could be used for anything. Another one I'd add is just don't impulse buy. Do your research. Study it. When the product is brought at the public location, take your time to check it out. If the seller gets all huffy & irritated, no matter how much you want it, just leave. A good seller, while they may be a bit annoyed at the inconvenience, would be respectful.
  11. Sometimes they have good ideas i.e. for child abuse, however they tend to use it as a means to justify tracking EVERYBODY. "Just in case".
  12. I can see their reasoning. We got DVDs at times when we had Netflix but it was just easier to find something on Streaming. Now with even more Streaming services, DVDs are becoming a bit obsolete. We still get them from the library as they are free versus having to subscribe to several services but I'm surprised Netflix let it go for so long.
  13. I'll have to check more of theirs out. I really am liking Dreamers. There's some music I like that don't have lyrics but the beat is quite mesmerizing.
  14. @Shortie Do you happen to know the language the other guy was singing towards the end? I'm thinking Arabic. I was impressed with the vocals especially at 2:40 when you could tell he was getting a bit out of breath. That is normal after singing & to me I appreciate that as you know it's not just lip-syncing. A recent song I've listened to is Africa by Toto. That has a catchy beat.
  15. Hello everybody! Memorial Day Weekend for those of us in the USA. Anybody else have a 3 day weekend? My husband has off Monday so this will be a nice long weekend to just chill & get some extra things done around the house & yard.
  16. I'd pick Bon Jovi, Chicago, Def Leppard, Journey, Survivor, among other ones. While I'm not into concerts, they are quite loud & crowded, it is a nice dream 🙂
  17. I don't but since I've been seeing you post videos & info, I've been searching more about them @Shortielol I dabbled in the language when I watched K-dramas but had found most songs to be in Korean & while pretty, couldn't understand them 🙂
  18. Def Leppard- When Love & Hate Collide. Got a bit of an earworm lol @ShortieThat's a good song! I have it bookmarked. 🙂 @KyngI've listened to Duran Duran growing up but don't recall that particular song.
  19. Good Saturday Morning! Hope life is treating everybody well! 🙂
  20. I always like when forum admins keep members updated with what's going on. 🙂
  21. What do you like about Georgia? 🙂
  22. What helps is to incorporate it & make it a priority by finding the time. Sometimes we feel we don't have the time but if you are at the computer or watching TV, you can incorporate light stretches right there. Proper posture is extremely beneficial as well as deep breathing. Best of luck finding something that works for you 🙂
  23. You're like me then with the cold lol Whereabouts are you located? Have you lived anywhere else? I've only lived in MI.
  24. I wonder if Discord is trying to get more subscribers by adding in more features? I haven't used it; prefer forums, but I hear about it a lot on various forums where they enjoy using it.
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