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Posts posted by ZandraJoi

  1. What better way to start a war than to hit people with what they are addicted to- technology. EMPs would wipe out transportation & shut down computers. We would be literally stranded. Then hospitals run on computers so many would succumb.

    I don't feel people take it seriously. The people & nations focus on such minute issues that, in the grand scheme of things, don't really matter.

    I like to unplug often & have physical media. It would be scary at first but those who are not on 24/7 would be more equipped to handle it than those tied to their phones.

  2. The rich think they are "all that" & can do whatever they want. That's what they are trying to do with Maui. They used the "fires" as an excuse to drive out locals & make it where only the rich can afford it.

    Nobody has more Rights than anybody else. I don't care if it's skin color, wealth, belief. We are all human beings.

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  3. I feel this will be neverending & they'll keep fighting. I wish people could be the "Why can't we all just get along?" Instead of one side having it, BOTH sides have it equally. Another option nobody has it. Let the Earth take reign. Yet another option have a neutral party, i.e. Switzerland, obtain it.

    War is serious but sometimes they act like children where I just want to say, "Grow up!"

    "If you keep doing what you are doing, you'll keep getting what you are getting."

  4. On 12/7/2023 at 7:02 AM, Uncrowned Guard said:

    In the United States, the principle of separating church and state has been a longstanding topic of discussion, and this extends to public education. The presence of religious references in government, such as the phrase 'in God we trust', can make it challenging to completely exclude religious elements from public institutions.

    However, a key focus in public schools should be to foster an environment where students of all religious backgrounds feel welcome and are provided with an equitable educational experience. This includes ensuring that there is no discrimination based on religious beliefs or the lack thereof.

    On the other hand, the role of religion in addressing moral and cultural issues is a broader societal matter. While some may argue that a decline in religious observance could impact morality, attributing cultural or moral challenges directly to the presence or absence of religious education in public schools oversimplifies the issue. Public schools are just one part of a larger societal framework, and the solution to such complex problems likely involves multiple facets of society, not solely the education system.

    In a perfect world, we would honor & accept each other. In a pure perfect world, there wouldn't be room for so many varying degrees of beliefs. People believe what they believe more from where they are from, than what is right & wrong. I'm Dutch so was raised Christian Reformed. If I was born in India, I'd most likely be a Buddhist or Hindu.

    Many years ago, the term InterFaith was quite popular. I don't see it as much anymore. It was honoring each religion & people came to learn more; not to judge.

    • Like 1
  5. I am an ex-Christian so I will answer from both sides. While we do have a right to our beliefs, there's also a time & place. I see no harm in prayer in schools, however, some do it for a Look At Me type of deal. "Look At Me, I'm Christian, I am taking a stand against public schools secularism." No, not really. Just like a Christian wouldn't want a non-Christian to "make a mockery" of a belief, same holds true here.

    Have a prayer in school. But don't make it out to be about you. Because if you are really praying, isn't it to your god & not to man? So why would it matter if people see it for show or not? If god knows your heart, he would see it even if you pray in your own mind, in silence.

    Also have to realize that many founding fathers were actually into Deism.

    It's up to the parents, mom & dad, to raise their children. Public places should never take the place of the Home.

    • Like 1
  6. While I haven't heard of these people, I will answer in a general tone.

    Should YouTube hold its creators accountable for actions taken on other platforms? That can be tricky. Once one is out of the "office", what they do in their private lives is their business. However, doxxing is illegal. My take, if it's legal, they cannot be held accountable. If it's illegal, then they have a right.

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  7. On 11/18/2023 at 8:40 AM, Uncrowned Guard said:

    Good morning to you as well!Ā  Any plans for the weekend?

    We will be visiting with my parents. Thanksgiving was a quiet day here. At least no snowstorm or bad weather lol

    How was everybody's Thanksgiving? šŸ™‚

  8. On 11/11/2023 at 5:43 AM, Bizdustry said:

    Hey everyone! My name is Alex, and Iā€™m the owner of Bizdustry. I look forward to discussing topics with like minded people here.

    Welcome to the forum! Enjoy your stay šŸ™‚

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