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Chit Chat Thread

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On 9/20/2023 at 6:36 PM, Uncrowned Guard said:

Yes, we are certainly not Texas heat hot, but we are also enjoying the cooler weather here as well.

We are getting hotter temps up here in MI. My kind of weather 🙂

On 9/21/2023 at 10:38 AM, Shortie said:

Happy Thursday all! Soon be the weekend, we are oh so close!

Do you have any plans for this weekend? 

Have a great Thursday! 


We have some last Fall chores to complete. Packing away the hoses, etc. What about you?

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On 9/27/2023 at 1:32 PM, Uncrowned Guard said:

How is everyone doing this week?  Any feedback on the recent changes around Uncrowned Addiction?  (If you even noticed them 😅)

Well I must admit, sometimes I have blinders on & go right to the posts to reply to topics lol BUT I have noticed in this Chit Chat Thread, don't know what it's called & don't see it on every thread.


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23 hours ago, ZandraJoi said:

Well I must admit, sometimes I have blinders on & go right to the posts to reply to topics lol BUT I have noticed in this Chit Chat Thread, don't know what it's called & don't see it on every thread.


So, this is feature when a topic gets deemed a "Popular Topic".  Basically, it needs to have so many posts in x amount of time.  Once it gets deemed popular, these stats get added to the topic forever as kind of a historical thing. I have noticed some sites seem to have it on all topics, but I actually don't know how they do that or if I'd want to do that since it would be a bare box. The Count Game also has it going, but sadly not many topics have been deemed popular around here.

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On 10/1/2023 at 8:35 AM, Uncrowned Guard said:

So, this is feature when a topic gets deemed a "Popular Topic".  Basically, it needs to have so many posts in x amount of time.  Once it gets deemed popular, these stats get added to the topic forever as kind of a historical thing. I have noticed some sites seem to have it on all topics, but I actually don't know how they do that or if I'd want to do that since it would be a bare box. The Count Game also has it going, but sadly not many topics have been deemed popular around here.

Thank you for letting me know! Can you set the X amount of posts or is that on Xenforo?

I too have seen it on other forums; just never know what it was called.

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7 hours ago, ZandraJoi said:

Thank you for letting me know! Can you set the X amount of posts or is that on Xenforo?

I too have seen it on other forums; just never know what it was called.

Ya, it is fairly customizable.  You can set the post amounts and the tone amount and how many the widget block shows.  I haven't really fine tuned it yet, but hopefully soon we will have a good flow of popular topics.

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On 10/14/2023 at 10:52 AM, ZandraJoi said:

Good Morning! I so wish I could just hibernate in the colder months lol Anybody else wish that?

I could handle the cold better if it wasn't so dark & dreary outside.

Enjoy your weekend 🙂

It has been pretty nice here so far.  Mid 50s and 60s, which is moderately warm for us.

4 hours ago, Nebulous said:

Hi all!  Almost Friday, any plans for the weekend? 🙂

Not a whole lot this weekend.  Probably relax most of it.  How about you?

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Good Morning! Another week has gone by. Halloween festivities will be next weekend. Some people will celebrate it then due to Halloween being a weekday.

It will be just another weekend for us. Still have a bit more chores to get done outside but I got most of my whirligigs in for the season. Left out a few that we'll take down tomorrow as today it's raining.

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On 10/21/2023 at 11:00 AM, ZandraJoi said:

Good Morning! Another week has gone by. Halloween festivities will be next weekend. Some people will celebrate it then due to Halloween being a weekday.

It will be just another weekend for us. Still have a bit more chores to get done outside but I got most of my whirligigs in for the season. Left out a few that we'll take down tomorrow as today it's raining.

We don't do a whole lot for Halloween.  Probably take the youngest to a few Trunk or Treats and call it a day.

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5 hours ago, ZandraJoi said:

Happy Saturday Morning! @Uncrowned Guard Do your kids like doing the Trunk or Treats? Are they far for you to go? I know when I was young, it was at the local Fire Department.

@The Hulk Happy Saturday to you 🙂 What do you like to do for Halloween?

I don't celebrate Halloween in real life due to how I was brought up. But I do celebrate it on forums for a bit of fun 😄

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On 10/28/2023 at 10:25 AM, ZandraJoi said:

Happy Saturday Morning! @Uncrowned Guard Do your kids like doing the Trunk or Treats? Are they far for you to go? I know when I was young, it was at the local Fire Department.

@The Hulk Happy Saturday to you 🙂 What do you like to do for Halloween?

They have really taken over lately around here for how everyone does it.  The kid enjoys them, and they are much more controlled and easier than going house to house, so I feel like they are overall a win.  We have two from our fire departments and one from our police department all within walking distance.

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On 10/28/2023 at 3:30 PM, The Hulk said:

I don't celebrate Halloween in real life due to how I was brought up. But I do celebrate it on forums for a bit of fun 😄

As long as you enjoy it, that's what matters now 🙂

On 10/29/2023 at 10:34 AM, Uncrowned Guard said:

They have really taken over lately around here for how everyone does it.  The kid enjoys them, and they are much more controlled and easier than going house to house, so I feel like they are overall a win.  We have two from our fire departments and one from our police department all within walking distance.

Do they also offer Trunk-or-treat? It's gaining in popularity.

Anybody else heard of it & did it with their kids?

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